Africa - Cheetah Skin , New, Elkabee's, LLC

Africa - Cheetah Skin


Optional Image
African 2008 black tan cats safari spots wild jungle

This exotic print features textured images of cheetahs on a jungle background.

To see an overall view of this fabric, please click on the ’optional image’ link below the picture. Please note that this optional image is shown for the purpose of displaying the overall design; the color is not as accurate as our scan shown to the left of this description.

100% cotton quilting weight fabric
Alexander Henry P8081 AR
$ 13.50/yard
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You may also like the following items:
Spot the Cheetah - Elegant Metallic Animal Skin on Ivory
$11.50 / yard
All fabrics are 100% cotton and 42" - 43" wide
unless otherwise noted
Minimum cut is a half a yard
When ordering please use decimal equivalent for fractions.
Fraction: 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8
Decimal: .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 .875
Example: 1-3/8 yard would be entered as 1.375