Beautiful Voices - Happy Choir Vertical Stripe on Cream by Gail Kessler, Music, Elkabee's, LLC


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Beautiful Voices - Happy Choir Vertical Stripe on Cream by Gail Kessler

chorus singing singers church music hymnals cream gray grey ivory yellow

This great musical print features vertical stripes of choral singers with floating musical notes on a mottled cream background above them. This is a beautiful print for a quilt, table runner, wall hanging, pillowcase or tote bag for the singer in your life! 

Please note: the stripes of people run the LENGTH of the fabric (i.e., parallel with the selvedges).

100% cotton quilting weight fabric
Andover 4172-K
$ 10.50/yard
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You may also like the following items:
Beautiful Voices - Happy Choir Stripe on Black by Gail Kessler
$10.50 / yard
All fabrics are 100% cotton and 42" - 43" wide
unless otherwise noted
Minimum cut is a half a yard
When ordering please use decimal equivalent for fractions.
Fraction: 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8
Decimal: .25 .375 .5 .625 .75 .875
Example: 1-3/8 yard would be entered as 1.375